Importing contacts from a CVS file

  1. Select the contact list in which you want to import contacts and click on Import Subscribers.
  2. Next, scroll down and select the CVS file containing the contacts you want to import.
  3. Click on the Import button.
  4. Once the import process is completed, an importation report will be displayed.

* The "CVS" file can include columns to match your custom fields. The only column required is the email address.

* To avoid any problems with accented and special characters, we strongly suggest you save your "CVS" file using an "UTF-8" encoding format.

Using Excel to format a "CVS" file to make sure it is valid

Procedure may differ depending on your Excel version and your operating system (Windows or Mac).

  • Open your "CVS" file in Excel.
  • If you need to delete a column, you can do so by clicking on the header, then scroll down to the Edit menu and hit the Delete option.
  • When you are ready to save, scroll down to the File menu and then hit the Save As option.
  • In the save prompt, under the option "Tools, Web Options, Encoding", select the encoding format "Unicode(UTF-8)".

Download an example of a valid CVS file: