This article will help you with the initial setup of your account so you can bill your clients.

General Information

  1. In the top right corner, click on the gear icon to display the sub-menu. Then click on Settings.

  2. Then, click on Contact Information in the right menu.

  3. Enter your organization informations and click on Save.


Enter your tax numbers and adjust the default client mark-up %
  1. In the top right corner, click on the gear icon to display the sub-menu. Then click on Settings.

  2. Look for the Settings menu of the Billing section in the right menu.

  3. If applicable, setup your sales tax rates and make sure to provide your sales tax number(s).

  4. Then, you need to setup your default markup %. The suggested default mark-up is 20%. However, you can set a custom markup % for each of your clients.

Stripe Configuration

In order to offer a completely automatic and integrated payment system, we have partnered with a payment gateway called Stripe so we can bill your clients. You must open a Stripe account and connect it to your MailSquad account.

Credit card information (optional)

When a client sends a campaign, you can bill his credit card directly or you can cover the costs for him. When you choose to cover the costs for your client, you will be billed directly on your credit card, which explains why you would want to enter your credit card number.
  1. In the top right corner, click on the gear icon to display the sub-menu. Then click on Settings.

  2. Enter your credit card information and click on Save.

You are now ready to add clients and start sending campaigns.